Interview with the shipping manager

Machining department, Forklift operator

Seiya Yoshiya

Q. Why did you join the company and what was your career after joining?

This is my 3 year with the company. This year, I have been assigned as the main forklift operator at the first fruit-sorting area again, so I would like to finish that first. I would like to increase what I can do one by one.

Q. What are the difficulties, rewards and interesting aspects of your job?

Compared to my previous company, the volume of apples handled by our company is more than 10 times greater. At first, I was overwhelmed by the volume. In order to turn more apples around in the sorting area, I needed to not only do my own work while thinking about efficiency, but also to look over the flow of apples in the sorting area. In the beginning, I was desperate to do my own work, but gradually I began to see what was going on around me. As I became able to see things more clearly, I felt a sense of urgency, but it was rewarding when I was able to prioritize my work and complete it.

What I feel more than anything is the importance of not trying to do everything by myself, but rather getting the cooperation of those around me. Since joining this company, I have come to enjoy the feeling of working as a team toward a single goal during busy times.

Q. Please tell us about your future goals and what you want to do.

I am currently in charge of the forklift, but eventually I would like to learn how to select apples and teach others how to do the work in the fruit-picking area.

Since joining this company, I naturally want to learn more about apples and be able to do everything, not just perform the tasks in front of me. I think this is a workplace that makes me think that much. As I listened to the president’s way of thinking, I gradually came to understand it myself. I want to make this company, which the president and everyone who has worked here to date has built, even better, and I want to build it together.

I have never before been able to immerse myself so deeply in my work, and I feel very happy to have joined this company.

Machining department, Forklift operator

Atsutomo Sato

Q. Why did you join the company and what was your career after joining?

I’ve been with the company for 6 years.I attended a local agricultural high school and joined the company after seeking employment. Since joining the company, I have experienced a full range of work as a forklift operator.

The hardest thing was…there were many :), but the hardest was when the first fellow employee I joined the company with quit. I felt like I was being left behind. I was able to get over it with the help of my seniors and coworkers who cared about me. In my first year of working, it was hard to get up early to go to work, but now I get up on my own in the morning. I guess my body has gotten used to it.

When I joined the company, I never thought that I would be entrusted with various tasks like this. But everyone around me has helped me out, and here I am today.

Q. What are the difficulties, rewards and interesting aspects of your job?

Every year I feel a sense of accomplishment when we safely pass the winter after the busy season. This year, too, we overcame the winter. This year, we had to work with a limited number of people, and it felt like the members of the office worked together to overcome the difficulties.

In the first year, I had not yet ridden a forklift, and I was only doing physical work. At the time, I thought that being a forklift operator (which didn’t seem to involve much physical work) would be easy.

In the second year, I started riding the lift and was occupied with facing the lift. From the moment I got on the lift, I realized that I needed to pay attention to the movements of the entire work site, and I was full of it. I realized that riding a forklift is not an easy thing to do… (laughs)

In my third year, I was in charge of shipping, and with more than several thousand boxes being shipped per day, it was very difficult to keep the shipments rolling.

In my fourth year, I was able to get the hang of things and had no trouble except during the peak of the busy season. I feel like my body has become accustomed to the flow of this industry, which is busy in the winter but settles down in the summer.

Q. Please tell us about your future goals and what you want to do.

This year, I have been assigned as the main forklift operator at the first fruit-sorting area again, so I would like to complete that role first. I would like to increase what I can do one by one.

Machining department, Forklift operator

Syota Kudo

Q. Why did you join the company and what was your career after joining?

This is my 4 year with the company.

I have always loved airplanes and airports, and after graduating from an aviation-related vocational school with the goal of working at an airport, I worked at Narita Airport in my previous job, guiding airplanes and carrying baggage. After that, I worked at Aomori Airport, which led me to make a U-turn, then to one other company, and then to a new job.

Originally, I thought I could do forklift trucks in my work, and next, I thought I wanted to work for a company where I could work for a long time, so I joined our company.

Since joining the company, I have experienced forklift operations and shipping operations, and since last year I have also been doing deliveries with a large truck and transporting supplies on the premises.

Q. What are the difficulties, rewards and interesting aspects of your job?

I feel that it is difficult during times when there are many orders, which I think is unique to this industry. Also, as a forklift operator, I think there are difficulties in handling food products. If an apple that has been picked and packed in a box is dropped…it will not become a product. I used to handle cardboard boxes containing clothes, etc., so compared to such items, I need to be more careful in handling them, and I felt it was difficult.

Q. Please tell us about your future goals and what you want to do.

I’m now able to do a full range of forklift operations in the selection area, so I guess all I have to do now is polish that.

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